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(Webb 1995)
Australia: Fenner (1938) describes 5 Australian Aboriginal skulls with scaphocephaly.  There is no good documentation of time period for these specimens but they are derived from 3 different archaeological sites in southern Australia.  One of the specimens present more than just premature fusion of the sagittal suture and additionally displays fusion of the coronal and squamosal suture fusion.  Note that this subadult has a small face and eye orbits and bulging of the frontal bone. This is probably due to a more severe syndromiccondition than isolated suture fusion.         
Southwest United States: Bennett (1967) presents descriptions of 16 individuals, mostly young children, with premature suture fusion.  Most of the specimens are from Arizona while the others are from surrounding states.  Bennett describes fusion involving the sagittal, coronal, squamosal and lambdoid sutures.  Premature fusion of the sagittal suture was the most frequent. The sites date between 900 AD to 1400AD.        
(Ortner, 2003)
Egypt: Ortner (2003) describes premature suture fusion of a 3 to 4 year old child from the 20th Dynasty sit of Karga in Egypt. All but the anterior 2 cm of sagittal suture were fused.  The cranium is elongated; however, the lack of severe elongation suggests that fusion began some time after birth (Ortner, 2003). 
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